Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Survey Chart Analysis

WISCO Survey Professional creates easy to understand charts from survey question data. The survey data determines the types of charts that can be created for each survey question.

survey chart types

Chart Types

If the chart data is from a single series of data points, area, column, horizontal bar, line, pie, point charts, and data table are displayed. Fourteen different chart types, and data table can be displayed if the chart data is from a multiple series. A semantic differential chart can not be changed to the other chart types. Since a pie chart can only display one numeric series at a time, if the chart data is from a multiple series, separate pie charts are created for each data series.

WISCO Survey uses your chart template saved from the Design Menu - Chart Preferences menu selection. This file, wsurvey.cht was saved in the same folder with the current survey questions. The chart template file includes all (Introduction, Background, Headings, Legend, Graph, Chart Data, and Chart Table) preferences. If you did not save a custom chart template, the WISCO Survey default settings are used.

simple chart examples

Types of Analysis

Charts can include all responses (Complete Population) from the survey or limit the responses to a Filtered Population. A Filtered Population only includes responses based on the respondent's answers to selected questions.

Filtered Analysis

The filtered analysis provides totals to all survey questions when the respondent's answer matches the selected question choice(s). Filtered Matches provide totals to all questions based on how selected question(s)are answer. Filters let you look for specific patterns or information in the collected responses. For example, if a question asked for either a male or female response, the filtered analysis will show results of how either all males or females answered the rest of the questions. The 6 extra data fields (user's name, email address, user IP address, or user-defined fields) can also be used in the filtered analysis. Multi-filtering allows up to 5 levels (questions and extra data fields) to be examined for matches when creating survey results. Demographic question analysis is often performed by use of these filters.

The question type determines if an alphabetical, text, or numeric value is entered in the edit box. Only numerals, the letters A to Z and the characters '<', and '>'are entered in the edit box. Text with spaces can be entered to find matching responses to text entry questions. The matching response text is only active during the current session (It is not saved with other preferences.) The (A) after the question indicates an Alphabetical response is entered in the matching edit box. The (V) indicates a Value is entered in the matching edit box. The short descriptions after the (A) or (V) are Topic Phrases.

If the Not check box is marked, the opposite of the matching text is considered a match. For example, if the matching text shows the letter A, a filtered match would normally include all responses that contain A. If the Not check box is marked, then matches would include responses that do not include A. The icon next to the Not check box is used to display the question and text choices for the selected question.

Filtered analysis for Charts use the same techniques explained for analysis reports.

Include Other Totals in Calculations and Charts

Multiple Choice(Other), Single Choice(Other), and some Text Entry can have the count of other responses included in the calculations and charts depending if the checkbox is marked. WISCO Survey includes the option to treat Text entered as Other as either a question choice or as a comment. If the check box on the Design Menu - Edit Questions - Option/Value tab is marked, the Other text is treated as a comment, and will not be included in the calculations or charts.

Include No Responses in Calculations

If checked, extra data will be included on the charts to indicate the number of respondents that did not answer the question.

Include Text Responses When Available

If checked, the most common text responses for Multiple Choice-Other question type is included in the text analysis. The number of responses is determined by the Maximum Number of Text Responses spinner. If unchecked, The total number of responses is displayed with the question text.

Include All Numeric Distribution Charts

The numeric question types (17) Numeric Entry, (9,13) Numeric Group, (10) 3-Column Numeric, and (23,27) 5-Column Numeric can include survey charts displaying how the incoming values for each cell of an array or matrix are distributed. If marked, each cell distribution can be charted. If this check box is not marked, the individual cell distributions are not included in the chart listing. This setting is set with the Design Menu - Preferences - Interface Settings - Left Column check box.

Numeric Entry Distribution Size

Numeric ranges are only used with Numeric question types. Up to 15 numeric ranges can be selected by selecting a number on the spinner. The minimum and maximum values values are found to determine the total range. Then the total range is divided into the number selected on the spinner to display how the values are distributed. These ranges are used for the column and row headings. If the range is less than the spinner number, the range of integer values is used. The distribution size is used with (17) Numeric Entry, (9,13) Numeric Group, (10) 3-Column Numeric, and (23,27) 5-Column Numeric question types.) This setting has no effect on other question types. The Include All Numeric Distribution Charts check box located on the Design Menu - Preferences - Interface Settings must also be checked.

Modify Chart Text

The currently selected question text, topic phrase, and text choices are displayed. The title caption and legend phrases usually include the topic phrase and text choices. A new topic phrase can be substituted for the original topic phrase which was entered on the Options/Values tab. The column to the right of the Text Choices is for shorter text choices. Chart text is used for labels on charts and thematic maps, and displayed when selecting question parts. If left blank, the text choice from the first column is always used. For example, the text for a question choice could be 'Willingness of manager to provide positive recognition'. That long choice on a chart would not be an appropriate label. The choice topic 'Positive Recognition' would fit better. Chart text is also used in some report column headings. Revised text must be saved before the displayed chart is updated.

Chart Options

Descriptions of all chart options (Introduction, Background, Headings, Legend, Graph, Chart Data, and Chart Table) have been consolidated in the Survey Charts chapter of this manual.

Clear Button

The Clear button will clear all calculated results from memory, clear the displayed chart, and reset the selection to the first chart option.

Create Button

Click the Create button to create the chart and display the analysis.

Questions Button

The Questions button will display a complete listing of all questions, the associated question type, choices, and related information.

Help Button

Clicking the Help button will display this help file information.

OK button

Clicking the OK button will leave the chart screen, returning to the opening program screen.