Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Survey Cross-Tab Banners

Cross Tabulation Banners let you create tables showing the relationship of responses of one question with many other questions. Topic phrases entered for each question on the Design Menu - Edit Questions - Option/Values tab are displayed next to question numbers. Results are displayed in tables. These question topics are also used to label the groups of column and row labels. Microsoft Excel describes cross-tabulations as Pivot Tables.

Selection Tab

Select the first question from the drop down box. The text choices for this question will be the column labels in the series of cross-tab tables that will be created. Multiple question (and question part) selected from the second list. Selections from the second list determine individual row labels for the cross tab tables. This can be flipped by using the Pivot button at the bottom of this tab page. The survey question type and number of question choices determines the number of options for the selected question.

Clear Button

The Clear button removes all check boxes from the second list, and clears all information from the Banner, View Analysis, HTML Viewer, and CSV Export tabbed pages.

Create Button

When the Create button is clicked, one table for each marked check box from the second list is created. For each choice for the first question, the totals for all choices from the second question are found. If settings are changed, or marked check boxes are changed, the Create button is clicked to refresh all reports and the CSV export.

Question Button

The Question button displays question details when clicked. This provides a short-cut to display the same screen accessed from the Design Menu - Question Summaries selection.

Pivot Data Button

The Pivot Data button flips the rows and columns of the cross-tabulation tables on the report and HTML pages. It does not flip the Banner Grid.

Cross-Tabulation Banner Extra Settings

The Fixed Column Width numerical spinner determines the banner width of the leftmost column of each cross-tabulation table (Default 150 pixels). This column displays the text choices for selections made from the second list.

Data Column Width

The Data Column Width numerical spinner determines the width of the columns used for the text choices for the first question (default 64 pixels). A vertical blue line separates each secondary question.

Include No Responses in Calculations

If checked, an extra column and row will be added to each cross-tabulation table to indicate the number of respondents that did not answer the question. The No Response totals would also be included in the percentage calculations.

Include Row Labels with Question Choices

The analysis, HTML reports, and CSV exports can include the letter choice identifier (A., B., C., etc.) next to the text choice.

Use Bold Font for Report Column Headings

If checked the column headings will use a bold font on the analysis reports.

HTML Background Color

If checked, the color selected on the Preferences Menu will be used. If unchecked the HTML background will be white.

Alternate Row Shading

If checked, the HTML headings are shaded gray, and alternate rows of data are shaded with light yellow and white on a light yellow background. If this is unchecked the HTML pages are displayed with a white background, and no shading. The reports will also include a 10% gray shading if checked.

Include All Report Grid Lines

Horizontal and vertical lines can be included on the reports, to make it easier to view text choices and columns of data. If checked the main lines are included in the display and printed reports. See Show All Grid Lines to reveal hidden lines used to change column widths.

Cross Tabulations can include any combination of Counts, Row Percents, and Column Percents. Mark the check boxes, and click the Create button to refresh all reports. Counts indicate the number of survey responses that matched both the column heading choice and the row label choice.

Include Banner Report Title Page

If the check box is marked, a Cross-Tabulation title page is created with the Survey Title, survey count, main question topic phrase, and the selected secondary question topic phrases.

Include Question Text Above Table

If the check box is marked, the text for both questions is included above each cross-tabulation table.

Start New Page for Each Additional Question.

Cross-Tabulation Tables for each pair of questions can be on a separate pages if this check box is marked. If the check box is not marked, the tables are added continuously to the analysis. You can force a page break by placing the cursor at the end of any table and pressing Ctrl-Enter. this setting is only used for the Analysis Report, not the HTML Viewer or CSV export.

Report Data Column Width Percentage

This numerical spinner is used to change the cross-tabulation tables data column widths. The leftmost column includes the text choices for a question. The remaining columns contain the choices from the other question. The numerical spinner determines the width percentage of the column text choices. If you have long text choices for the rows, you might consider decreasing the width of the data columns. This setting affects all tables. Individual column widths can be changed by placing the cursor in the top row of any table and dragging the border line.

Number of Data Columns per Table

If you set the number of columns to a number less than the total number of data columns, you can force the cross-tabulation to be displayed in two tables instead of one table. This may be useful if you have long text descriptions for the columns.

Percent Decimal Places

If the Include Row and Column Percents check boxes are marked, the View Analysis, HTML Viewer, and CSV Export calculations will use the number of decimal places from the numerical spinner setting. The number displayed next to the spinner determines the number of decimal places (up to 3) displayed for the column and row percentages.

Numeric Entry Distribution Size

Up to 15 numeric ranges can be selected by selecting a number on the spinner. The minimum and maximum values values are found to determine the total range. Then the total range is divided into the number selected on the spinner to display how the values are distributed. These ranges are used for the column and row headings. If the range is less than the spinner number, the range of integer values is used. The distribution size is used with (17) Numeric Entry, (9,13) Numeric Group, (10) 3-Column Numeric, and (23,27) 5-Column Numeric question types.) This setting has no effect on other question types. This setting has no effect on other question types.

Mark All Questions and Clear All Questions

Clicking the buttons Mark All Questions and Clear All Questions can quickly mark and clear the check marks for the additional questions.

View Analysis

The cross tab banner analysis report is a series of cross-tabulation reports. If the check box from the Selection tab page is marked, each comparison begins on a separate page for a printed report. You can determine where to start new pages in these reports by positioning the cursor after the last table row, and pressing Control-Enter. The reports can be edited, and can be copied to the Windows clipboard, saved as an RTF file, PDF file, or printed out. RTF files can be read by most word processors, including Microsoft Word. Text can be highlighted, and the default fonts can be changed. Individual column widths can be changed by placing the cursor in the top row of any table and dragging the border line.

Show All Grid Lines

Some lines separating columns are hidden. These grid lines allow you to change the column widths for each question. After changing the column widths, You can remove the lines with the checkbox on each report screen, so they do not print in your final reports. The setting for Include All Report Grid Lines determines if the grid lines are included on the printed reports.

HTML Viewer

A single HTML page with all tables is created when the create button is clicked. You determined the colors and fonts on the Design Menu - Preferences selections. The HTML file can be saved and printed using the buttons on the tool bar. Check boxes on the Selection tab can remove the background color, alternate row shading, and the table grid lines.

CSV Export

The calculated data is displayed in read-only format that can be saved to a file. CSV information is a very common way to move data to other software such as Microsoft Excel. The number of data columns per table setting is ignored, so all related data is exported on the same row. Place a valid filename in the edit box next to the Export to CSV button, then click that button to save the CSV file. You do not need to include the CSV extension, it will be added automatically to your filename.

Show Complete CSV Record with Pop-Up

Each line of the CSV file is either a header row or a data row. The entire contents of each line can usually not be displayed, even if you have the screen maximized. Marking the checkbox, will display the entire contents of the line the mouse if on top of in a yellow hint window. As you move the mouse to different lines, the CSV record in the window changes appropriately. If the check box is not marked, a hint window is not displayed.