Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Create Web Surveys and Web Forms

The HTML code for web surveys and web forms is created automatically by WISCO Survey. Web surveys and web forms are placed on a web server on the Internet. When the user clicks the submit button on the survey, the responses are emailed from the server to an address you provide. The emails are then dragged and dropped from Outlook (or Outlook Express) to the WISCO Survey program. The responses are then automatically added to the survey database.

Creating the HTML Survey code

Information that you enter on these web survey creation screens is combined with the survey questions and choices to create the complete HTML web survey code and any required perl, cgi, or asp scripts. WISCO Survey Power can also create a generic thank you page to be displayed after the user clicks the submit button on the web survey.

Clicking the Clear button will clear all code on the HTML and Perl CGI-ASP pages, and the web survey will be cleared. This is necessary when a program option is changed. When the Create button is clicked, the current code pages displayed on the fourth, fifth, and sixth tabbed pages are cleared, and the HTML and CGI-Perl-ASP code is created. The Questions button will pop up another screen to enable you to view your survey questions and their settings. This pop-up can be helpful to show survey question and choice text, scales, and text entry sizes.

web selection screen shot

Use HTML Background Color

If checked, one of the 40 colors selected from the pull-down box on the right will be used. If unchecked the background color will be white.

Display No Response Option

Rating Scale survey questions (4 Single scale, and 5,17 Multi-scale) question can have 'No Response' as a choice on the printed and web surveys. Sometimes a better label may be Don't Know, N/A, or Do Not Use. If the check box is marked to include 'No Response' as an option, text can be substituted for 'No Response' (or one of the foreign language translations). If the term 'REMOVE' was substituted for No Response on the Options/Values tab, the extra radio button will not be used for this survey question.

Optimize HTML Display for All Questions

If checked Single Choice (Other), Multiple Choice(Other), Single Scale, and Numeric Group question types will be arranged in two or three columns. If unchecked all choices will be placed in a single column.

Option to Include User Real Name

If checked an edit box is added to the survey with the caption "Your Name:" This entry can also be marked as "Required" and can be validated by checking the boxes on the validation tabbed page. This information is useful for identification purposes. This can be added automatically to one of the 6 extra data fields in the DBF response file.

Option to Include User Email Address

If checked and edit box is added to the survey with the caption "Your Email Address". This entry can also be marked as "Required" and can be validated by checking the boxes on the validation tabbed page. If checked for a Unix based server, it allows the user to specify their return e-mail address. This is helpful if you need to reply back to the person submitting the survey. This can be added automatically to one of the 6 extra data fields in the DBF response file.

Create Generic Thank You HTML Page

After the user click the submit button on the survey, it is common practice to display a thank you page. This thank you page can contain any information you want. The name of the thank you page is taken from the name you enter on the Web Server Info tabbed page. If checked, the generic thank you page is created and saved in the web pages folder when the web survey page is saved. Of course, you can substitute your own thank you page (just make sure the filename matches).

Send User's Remote IP Address

If checked, the IP address of the user is included with the emailed responses. If checked, it will indicate what domain the user is coming from. This can help you determine if there were duplicate surveys filled out multiple times from one IP address. Some mailing programs ignore this setting by always sending the IP address.

Remove Navigation Terms from Survey

If checked, the clickable links for "Top", "Back", "Next", and "End" placed after each survey question are removed.

Remove Scale Numbers from Survey

If checked, scale numbers "(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)" for Multiple Scale, and Semantic Differential Scale questions are removed from the column headings.

Use Smaller Memo Text Boxes

if checked the size of the edit box for memos is reduced.

Use Drop Downs for Single Choice Questions

The text choices can be displayed or drop downs can be used to reduce the amount of space required to display all the choices.

web form single choiceor

web form drop down

Subject Line of the Emailed Responses

This will be the subject of the email that is sent to you (the recipient) after the user clicks the Submit button on the web survey. If this field is left blank, the subject line will be WWW Form Submission.

Email Address to Receive Responses

Enter your email address. This is the address that will receive the formatted results from the mailing program located on the server. This field is hidden from the person filling out the survey. A generic example would be [email protected]. However, using a different email address for each major project, for example [email protected], then [email protected], etc., will allow you to use the message rules of Outlook and Outlook Express to automatically sort, and route the email to a folder you designate.

Spam robots are constantly searching the web for email addresses. They will find your survey forms, and harvest your email address if possible. If possible, the code created by WISCO Survey will hide your email address in the perl, cgi, or asp script. After each project is completed, you can change the email client's message rules to throw away any incoming email to those email addresses. The email is most likely spam, using the email address originally harvested by the spam robots.

web form font sizesOne of 40 background colors can be chosen for your web survey. Click the down arrow to display the available color choices, select your color choice, and view the survey. You may have plenty of fonts installed on your computer, but you can't be sure the same fonts are installed on the computer where the survey is being completed. If you select a font that is not available on the user's computer, Windows will substitute a different choice. Studies indicate Arial, Verdana, and Courier fonts are installed on over 90% of Windows and Macintosh computers. The default font for Windows XP® is Tahoma. The default font for Windows Vista® and Windows 7® is Segoe UI. Tahoma is also installed with Windows Vista® and Windows 7®.

The default font size used to display the web survey is determined by the resolution of the monitor (Windows setting) and the web browser's default font size chosen by the user. The developers of the browsers (Microsoft, Netscape, FireFox, etc.) determine the relationships between the default font size and H1 to H6 values. Often this relationship includes displaying the H1 to H6 fonts with a bold style. Generally, H4 is the same size as the default font, H1 is the largest, and H6 is the smallest. If the blank value is selected, instead of the H1 to H6 values, the heading and questions will use the same default font as the question choices. The font color can also be selected for the heading and question fonts. The question choices and optional survey instructions will use the web browser default font color (usually black).

HTML Language - Rating Scales

The five most common survey rating scales have been translated into 11 other languages by native speakers. (English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish). Each of the common scales (for example, Excellent, Good, Average, Fair, and Poor) will be used in the reports, HTML summaries, and web HTML surveys using the selected language. Other common terms for moving around a survey (Top, Back, Next, and Last), and common terms such as the months of the year, and report column headings also use the selected language.