Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Word Processing

WISCO Survey Reports are automatically created from the survey data and other information you entered. The word processing buttons let you revise the text, column width settings, page breaks, etc. for the displayed report which can be saved and printed. The next time the report is created, the original text, column width settings, page breaks, etc will be used. The 'Word Processing Summary' section after the word processing toolbar buttons summarizes the locations to permanently change the default information and settings.

Save Analysis Report

save reportSave the reports by clicking the green diskette icon (Save button). When the icon is clicked, a new dialog is displayed. The displayed report can be saved as an RTF, HTM or HTML, PDF, or TXT file. A default file name based on the survey question number(s) is suggested, but you can change the file name to whatever you want. Rich Text Format (RTF) is a type of text file designed to preserve formatting, and be compatible with most word processors, including Microsoft Word and WordPerfect.

Print Analysis Report

print reportClicking the printer icon sends the displayed report to print on your default printer.

Print HTML Report

print web reportClicking this toolbar button will print the displayed HTML analysis.

Cut To Clipboard

cut clipboardSelect the text to be removed from the report, then click the Cut button. The highlighted text will be removed from the report and copied to the Windows clipboard.

Copy To Clipboard

copy clipboardHighlight the text to be copied, then click the Copy to Clipboard button. Many software programs can paste text and images from the clipboard for their content.

Paste From Clipboard

paste clipboardText which is on the clipboard can be copied from the clipboard to the table. Place the cursor at the location where the inserted text will be placed. Then click the Paste button.

Delete Text

delete textClicking the icon deletes the selected text from the report.

Undo Change

undo changeChanges made since the last save to the text can be undone by clicking this button.

Redo Change

redo changeChanges which have been undone with the Undo button can be redone by clicking this button.

Insert Symbol

insert symbolWhen the icon is clicked, a new symbol dialog is displayed. When a symbol on the dialog is clicked, it is inserted in the report at the current cursor position.

Search Text

search textWhen this button is clicked, a dialog box is displayed. Enter the text you want to find, and click the Find button.

Replace Text

replace textWhen this button is clicked, a dialog box is displayed. Enter the text to find, and the text that will replace that text.

Bold Text

bold textClicking the icon bolds any selected text in the report.

Italic Text

italic textClicking the icon italicizes any selected text in the report.

Underline Text

underline textClicking the icon underlines any selected text in the report.

Spell Check

spell checkThe displayed report can be spell checked with the included English Spell Checker. Words not in the regular spell checker can be added to a supplemental list. Other spell check languages are available. Spell-checking the original text on the Design Menu - Edit Questions and Choices results in permanent corrections each time a report is created.

Page Set Up

page set upClicking this icon displays a Page Set Up dialog. Report Page Set Up is used to change the paper size and report margins. Margin Settings changed with this dialog are saved, and used the next time any report is created.

Printer Set Up

printer set upThis selection presents the standard Windows Printer Set Up dialog. You can select a new printer, or change your default printer.


helpClicking the Help button will display this help file.

Word Processing Summary

  • Font Sizes and colors were selected on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab. Different font types, sizes, and colors can be selected for the Headings, Question Text, and Choice/Results Text.
  • Report Margins are saved with the Page Set Up Dialogs on any of the six analysis report screens.
  • Page Breaks can be set before any question with the Design Menu - Question Summaries - Report Template tab. Marking the checkbox for the question inserts a page break before that question is printed. Locating the curser and pressing Ctrl-Enter creates a temporary page break. Marking the check boxes create permanent page breaks for this set of survey question results.
  • The Main Title and SubTitle are set with the Design Menu - Edit Questions and Choices - Survey Headings/Titles tab.
  • The Survey Count is included if the checkbox in the first column on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab is marked.
  • Filtered Analysis question information will be included if the Filter Information checkbox on the Analysis Menu - Multi-Filtered Matches Selection Tab - Right column is marked.
  • Survey Instructions are included if the checkbox on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab - Left column is marked. The instruction text can come from text entered Design Menu - Edit Questions and Choices - Survey Headings/Titles Tab - Left column or from an ASCII text file with the filename 'instructions.txt'
  • Complete questions and their results can be omitted from reports by marking the Omit Question checkbox with the Design Menu - Question Summaries - Report Template tab. The complete question text and results can also be omitted by using the Keyword 'REMOVE' entered with either the Design Menu - Question Summaries - Report Template tab or the Design Menu - Edit Questions and Choices - Options/Values tab - Left column.
  • Two types of Question Headings can be included before the question text. A single line of text can be entered on the Edit Menu - Edit Question & Choices - Options/Values tab - Group Question Heading. A larger heading text can come from an ASCII text file. That filename is entered on the Edit Menu - Edit Question & Choices - Options/Values tab - Group Question Heading.
  • The Question Text and text choices were entered on Design Menu - Edit Questions and Choices - Survey Questions tab.
  • Report Column Headings can automatically use a bold font if the check box on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab - Left column is marked. The question type determines if the heading text is standard text or uses the column headings entered with the question on the Edit Menu - Edit Question & Choices - Options/Values tab or the User Defined Scales entered on the Design Menu - Preferences - User-Defined Scales tab. Foreign language substitutions for the common column headings and rating scales are used if a different language is selected on the Design Menu - Preferences - Interface Settings tab - right column.
  • Grid Lines for the tables is determined by the check box located in on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab - Left column.
  • The column displaying the numeric count can be omitted from the report by checking the Omit Numeric Count check box on with the Design Menu - Question Summaries - Report Template tab.
  • A column indicating No Responses is included if the checkbox on the Design Menu - Preferences - Interface Settings tab is marked.
  • Alternate Row Shading is determined by the check box on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab - Left column.
  • Column Widths are determined by the Design Menu - Question Summaries - Report Template tab. Different question types use a different number of columns. Each column width is separated by a vertical bar. The combined column widths must total 100% or the default width will be used. Margins could also be adjusted to create wider columns if needed.
  • Some question types allow Other Text Responses. The number of Text responses is determined by the spinner located on the Selection tab for the report. The spinner determines the maximum number to include. The Text Analysis report does not have a maximum limit. The Other Text Responses table can be removed from the reports by marking the check box on the Selection tab.
  • Skip Question Instructions placed after each question can be removed from the analysis reports by marking the check box on the Design Menu - Preferences - Report Settings tab - Left column.