Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Titles and Instructions

Settings on this page are used for the complete survey.

Spell Checking

You should save the question file before spell-checking. This refreshes the displayed grid. Then click the Check spelling button. The question text and choices will be checked first. Then the column titles, survey titles, survey instructions, and user-defined scales are checked. Click the Save button to save any changes to the survey question file.

Survey Titles

The title, subtitle, and instruction text are kept in the survey question file (*.SVP). These titles are included on printed reports.

Survey Instructions

The purpose of the survey and instructions on how to proceed should be included with each survey. Instructions can be printed before the first question of a survey. This instruction text is limited to 500 characters. As an alternative, you can include instructions in a text file with the filename instructions.txt in the same folder as the survey question file. If this file exists, the contents of the file are inserted in the survey instead of the instructions entered on this screen. The text from this text file is inserted below the title and subtitle.on the web survey, recreated email survey, printed survey, analysis reports, and HTML reports. Simple HTML codes can be included in the text lines of this file. The HTML codes are removed from the analysis reports. Place the HTML codes </p> or <br> on separate lines to create blank lines in both the HTML and regular reports. The check box to Include Survey Instructions must also be marked to display either set of instructions.

If you require additional instructions before a group of questions, a one line Group Heading can be entered before the first question of a group on the Question Options/Values tabbed page. Additional text from text files can also be included. The text filenames are entered on the Question Options/Values tabbed page - first column. The text from the text file is inserted below the Group Heading on the web survey, recreated email survey, printed survey, and HTML reports. This text is not included on analysis reports. Simple HTML codes can be included in the text lines of this file.

Include Survey Instructions

The Include Survey Instructions check box must also be checked on screens printing a survey (with or without results), or the web survey.

Additional Instructions

You can also add additional instructions with the text files prep1.txt, prep2.txt, and prep3.txt files. These 3 files must be located in the same folder as the survey question file. Prep1.txt will be inserted between the the web survey head tags. Prep2.txt will be inserted near the top web survey body tag. Prep3.txt will be inserted near the closing body tag.

Include Question Skip Instructions

Skip instructions can be printed after the question choices to tell the survey taker to skip to another question, or to provide any additional information. The checkbox can be unchecked so these instructions are not printed on the reports.

Reverse Rating Scale Percentage

This setting is applied to all rating scale questions (4=Single scale, and 5,19=Multiple Scale, and 6=2-Group Multiple Scale) question. The number of text choices determines the Maximum Value for a Single Scale (4) question. The number of columns determines the Maximum Value for a (5,19). Multiple Scale question. The Two-Group Multiple Scale (6) questions always use 5 columns. A typical scale of 5 terms, for example Excellent to Poor, (columns or text choices) the minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 5. the average is calculated from these values. If all respondents replied 1 = Excellent, the Rating Value Percentage would be 100%. If all respondents answered 5 = Poor, the Rating Value Percentage would be 0%. If all respondents answered 3 = Average, the Rating Value Percentage would be 50%. The formula used for the Rating Scale Value Percentage = (Max-Average)*(100/(Max-1)). Marking this checkbox would make the first choice (Excellent) have a value of 0% and the last choice have a value of 100%. This setting can be useful if your choices are listed in an order that is reversed from normal.