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Survey Software from WISCO Computing
Team Evaluation Survey
 Please take the time to evaluate your team. Share your feedback by filling in the information below.

1. About how long have you been a member of this team?

  1 month or less   1-6 months   7-12 months   1 year or more 

2. Choose the best answer for each of the following

 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Team members understand team goals
Sufficient resources are provided to accomplish team tasks
Conflicts are resolved in a constructive manner
Every member contributes a sufficient amount of work
Every member contributes a sufficient amount of time
The workload is balanced according to individual strengths
Members communicate freely with other members
Members complete assigned work on time
Members share team resources
Members give support to other team members
Members cooperate with each other

Individual Member Evaluators

3. Member #1


4. Rate the overall job done by member #1




6. Member #2


7. Rate the overall job done by member #2




9. Member #3


10. Rate the overall job done by member #3




12. Member #4


13. Rate the overall job done by member #4




15. Member #5


16. Rate the overall job done by member #5




18. How would you rate your performance?