Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
Job Satisfaction Survey

Employee Information

1. Employee Information

First Name 
Last Name 

2. How many years have you been with this company?

  1 year or less   2 years   3 years   4 years 
  5 - 10 years   11 - 20 years   more than 20 years   

3. What is your age?

  18 - 29   30 - 39   40 - 49   50+ years 

Current Position

4. How do you feel about your current position?

 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I have received adequate training to do my job
I have the skills necessary to do my job
My work hours are fair and appropriate
I believe my position is secure
I am recognized for the quality of my work
I am satisfied with my current salary
I am satisfied with my current benefits
I am satisfied with opportunities for advancement

5. Comments about your current position:


Workplace Environment

6. How do you feel about the workplace environment?

 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I have adequate supplies/equipment necessary to complete my tasks
The supplies/equipment are functional and properly maintained
Our department has enough employees to complete jobs in a timely manner
The workplace encourages cooperation between workers
I have enough time to complete my tasks
I feel safe in my workplace
I have good relationships with my co-workers

7. Comments about the workplace environment:



8. How do you feel about your supervisor?

 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
My supervisor is capable and competent
My supervisor clearly explains strategies and goals
My supervisor is accessible for questions and advice
My supervisor follows company rules and policies
My supervisor treats employees consistently
My supervisor takes a personal interest in my success
My supervisor gives me good feedback
I have a good relationship with my supervisor
I feel comfortable speaking with my supervisor

9. Comments about Supervision:


Overall Satisfaction

10. Overall how satisfied are you with your job?

  Very Satisfied   Satisfied   Neutral   Dissatisfied   Very Dissatisfied 

11. How likely are you to continue working for this company?

  Very Likely   Likely   Neutral   Unlikely   Very Unlikely 

12. How likely would you be to recommend a job at this company to a friend?

  Very Likely   Likely   Neutral   Unlikely   Very Unlikely